CBA Class of ’72 Birthday Party
Join us for the class of 1972 reunion at Huddy’s in Colts Neck. July 11th 6:30p to 9:30p
Attendees across the USA
Attendees (50)
Select affiliation(s)...
Anthony Villane
Barry Rosenberg
Bob Goss
Brian Kean
David Galligan
Denis Gallagher
Emma Suchecki
Frank Daley
George Fahoury
Gus Suckow
Holy Schwartz
James Kelly
Jean Molzon
Joe D’Amore
Joe Suchocki
John Peel
John Ruffalo
John Tesauro
Jon Schwartz
Kevin Beirne +1
Kevin Deehan
Kevin Deehan
Marcia Kean
Margaret Bavaro
Mark Apostolou Jr.
Mark Apostolou Sr
Mark Suchecki
MaryBeth Suckow
Melissa Sannelli
Michael Jones
Nan Brownlee
Patti Ralph
Paul Molzon
Pete Archibald
Phil Kuhlthau
Phil Portantino
Rick Bott
Sussn Fahoury
Thomas Dougherty
Thomas Sannelli
Tim Gleason
Tom Joyce
Tom Meyer
Tom Meyer
Vernon Ralph
mike Bavaro